documenting my weight loss after having a baby.
why the hell not here
Published on December 11, 2003 By hollyfig In Blogging
Its been 3 1/2 months since the birth of my son and I have actually gained weight since coming home from the hospital. Turns out I have hypothyroidism, in addition to serious hypoglycemia, MS, a blown disc in my back, and 2 bad knees. When I was pregnant, I had to be on bed rest for the last 3 months, and couldn't exercise. I gained a lot of weight...I am 5'6", and weigh close to 250 lbs. I have always been varying degrees of overweight since I was 4 years old, and activity has always been the only way for me to lose weight. Dieting has never really worked, in fact, I was bulemic from grade 7 until I was 23 years old, and even that didn't work that well... I only stopped binging and purging when I became pregnant with my daughter 9 years ago, and promised myself I wouldn't put her life at risk by continuing. I strongly believe that being bulemic is the reason for my crazy metabolism. Before I became pregnant with my son, I was training for a triathlon, running and swimming several miles every day. Now I'm just trying to walk my daughter to school every day without collapsing when I get home from exhaustion, carrying all this extra weight around.

So, that's it. I'm 32 years old, and I am DONE BEING FAT. I figured that if I put it out there for the whole world (or even a few people) to read, I'd be more likely to stick to my guns. I've tried every type of diet that exists, and none of them work for me. The only thing (as I said before) that works is exercise, but since my back and knees are shot, I have to wait until I drop some weight before I do any weight bearing its to the pool, and weight training, and sensible eating. I'll check in with what I eat, how much I work out, and life in general at least once a day here to keep track of my progress.

Wish me luck!
on Dec 11, 2003
I know that you can do it! I lost a lot of weight myself and had my own health problems. It sounds like you have a great beginning and just take it day by day. Have you ever considered homeopathy remedies? Acupuncture, massage techniques, or colonics? Keep an open mind. Different things work for different people. = ) I know you will find your way. It sounds likeyou are an excellent role model for your children.
on Dec 12, 2003
Thanks so much! I hadn't thought of homeopathy, but I'll look into it. Is that what you did? I'm keeping my mind completely open...I'm open to anything but surgery (gastric bypass or liposuction) at this point, but if nothing else works, I might be open to those too as a last resort.
on Dec 12, 2003
You can do it. I am so excited you started a blog on this. There are too few on here so far. I'll try and keep checking in to see how it's going for you! GOOD LUCK!!!
on Dec 20, 2003
I am learning that even if you fall off the wagon to jump back on it. One day of falling doesn't make anyone a loser when battling such superior forces. When the pain of an obssession becomes too much too bare, change inevitably follows.