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documenting my weight loss after having a baby.
going to bed
Published on December 22, 2003 By
had a good day, getting the house ready for company from out of town, plus i caught that stupid flu that is going around. so much for the vaccine...i just hope i don't pass it along to my little ones.
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on Dec 22, 2003
ut-oh, hope you're feeling better by Christmas...GCJ
on Dec 22, 2003
meee too.
thanks gcj...i don't think i have the true flu because i don't have a fever, just a sore throat, cough, congestion...i feel a little better today too, but now my 3 month old is stuffy...oye.
on Dec 22, 2003
Sounds more like a cold if you don't have a fever. A flu usually has 102 or higher temp. It is always scary to have anything when you have a newborn. You don't get the rest you need either so things seem to hang on longer. Stay hydrated, rest as much as the baby will let you. Best wishes for happy holidays.
on Dec 29, 2003
I'm back, but I'm having a heck of a time figuring out how to post a new topic. its so weird, it was so easy before...i wonder what i'm doing wrong?
Anyway, the whole family (including my husbands family, 9 of them who flew in from Puerto Rico and Texas, and my family who lives here and also flew in from Ohio, AND my two little ones) is getting over the flu, and I actually gained weight when i was sick. Unbelievable. So I'm starting again tomorrow pretty much from scratch.
anyway, if anyone has any ideas on what i'm doing wrong in the posting a new topic, i'm all eyes.
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