Anyone who has tried to lose weight knows the are all gung ho, do well for a while, and something happens (or doesn't happen) and you hop off the wagon. The problem with this wagon is that you have to hop off a little bit every day to stay alive. Its not like alcohol or drugs in that when you get on the wagon, you can stay on and stay have to eat to live, and you have to make the choice to eat well between 3-6 times every day. (or more if you are like me and really, reall...
Its been 3 1/2 months since the birth of my son and I have actually gained weight since coming home from the hospital. Turns out I have hypothyroidism, in addition to serious hypoglycemia, MS, a blown disc in my back, and 2 bad knees. When I was pregnant, I had to be on bed rest for the last 3 months, and couldn't exercise. I gained a lot of weight...I am 5'6", and weigh close to 250 lbs. I have always been varying degrees of overweight since I was 4 years old, and activity has always been the o...
I realize that my motivation for losing weight is, for the first time in my life, not rooted in vanity. Its based on being able to keep up with my kids, being around for them, and feeling good while I'm doing it. Its not to attract anyone, its not to prove anything to anyone...its completely selfish. I want to see my kids grow up. Today has been pretty good. I've eaten sanely and been as active as possible. I wish I didn't have to take narcotics to keep my knee pain under control, they make m...
Well, I drank way too much coffee, (WWWIIIRRREEEDDDD) but I didn't eat copious amounts of anything that I shouldn't have. I did taste a little bit of everything, which is a milestone...tasting without overdoing it. I'm always a freak about eating in front of people, especially men, and ESPECIALLY my dad. I always think he's going to say something, like he did when I was a kid. ("do you really think you need that piece of cake?") At other family gatherings, I would not eat anything in front of an...
I was having a hard time finding the "create new article" link, but after about an hour (that I'll never get back!) I scrolled down a little and lo and behold...jeez. Anyway, I'm back, and I'm getting over the killer flu. Its taken longer because, as a few of you noted, I didn't get much sleep because my kids were sick too. The only one in the family who didn't get sick was my husband, and thank GOD he didn't, because who knows where we'd all be now. Anyway, I gained weight when I was sic...
Actually, my focus was the baby and my daughter first, and then the friends. I usually cook enormous meals for 20 or 30 people when we decide to throw a party. With the way I've been feeling lately, plus the new baby and trying to eat right, I asked my husband if he would get frozen lasagna's from the grocery instead, and he thought it was a great idea. I had a salad, but everyone else said the lasagna tasted great. I had a bite of terra misu (spelling?) and it was delicious, but really rich. It...
had a good day, getting the house ready for company from out of town, plus i caught that stupid flu that is going around. so much for the vaccine...i just hope i don't pass it along to my little ones. g'night.
Today was fantastic! I got the news that I don't have anything scarier than a couple of blown out meniscus (menisci?) in each knee, and some swelling around my patella. Whew! I had physical therapy, my therapist taped up my knees, did some ultrasound, and gave me some exercises...yay!! Hopefully I won't have to have surgery if I can deal with the pain. I'm so relieved...given the options, mechanical things going wrong with my body are far preferable to neurological things. They are much easier t...
Soooo tired right now, just wanted to check in and say that I had a good eating day, and my pain is slightly less as well. Hopefully I'll be able to get back into the pool early next week. Have a dr. appt. tomorrow, and would love to get something other than codeine to help with the pain, because codeine does NOT help with the low energy level I've been experiencing. Good night!!
I really dislike taking anything that comes in a pill. Even Tylenol or Advil, etc. But I'm so glad that when the options to deal with pain have all been exhausted, there is one last thing you can do. Today I get the verdict on whether I have any systemic auto immune disorders, or if I'm just getting old. Lets pray that I'm just getting old!!
you will have to excuse the lack of punctuation and capitalization...i am currently holding my 3 month old son in one arm and typing with my remaining free hand. i had a good, controlled eating day today, but very little activity. i went in for a blood test to rule out lupus and rheumetoid arthritis, because last night my knee and hip pain was absolutely out of control, and my dr. recommended ruling out all possibilities before going through another course of physical therapy. oye. the most f...
We went to the pool this morning, came back, had breakfast, and I decided that it was as good a time as any to weigh myself. I'm 235. Down from 248 last week. I'm in complete and utter shock. I guess my thyroid really was underactive. Yay me!
This would be about the time that I would quit due to hunger, being discouraged, boredom, feeling helpless, etc. Tomorrow is the day that I weigh myself, and I have to say, it frightens me. I have done remarkably well, considering my history of...not. I'm a stress eater, and I've been under some pretty heavy stress and haven't overeaten or binged in a week. I'm considering keeping track of my food here online, so I have some way of looking back and finding out what worked and what did not. I t...